Graphic and Multimedia Design at College of the Canyons
(Dates and projects are subject to change)
WEEK 01 _AUG 24 - Aug 26_______________________________________________
Office hours
File naming NCSPD
-- Around Photoshop
-- Around Illustrator
-- Documents/Imports and Outputs
Ai: Let's make some lines. (or paths?)
Ai: All shapes has 2 parts, even if you are not seeing them!
In-Class practice Download files > Here
Home practice Download files > Here
Upload 2 files (shapes and dots) in JPG format to Canvas before next class.
Upload a Selfie via Canvas. It doesn't have to be traditional selfie. Be creative, but not too much!
All uploaded files must follow NCSPD format.
Review Illustrator basic; pen tool.
How to save, export. (size, quality, color mode,...)
"artboard" in export process.
"What is Design?"
"What is Graphic Design?"
Project 1 Designer Presentation
Project brief > [Here]
Designers works > [Here]
Project 1 - Due Date: Sep 02.
Search images on the Internet! easy?
The Rule of Thirds
Find an image by your choice of subject matter.
The image must have one clear subject.
The image must have at least 2000 px on short side.
Crop the image to demonstrate your rule of thirds skill.
Apply the ratio of 4:5 or 5:4
The final result must have 800 px on short side.
Save the result as JPG and upload to the canvas.
Now you want to upload a new selfie to show off your rule of thirds skill...right?
WEEK 02 _Aug 31 - Sep 02_______________________________________________
Do you have access to Lynda?
Do you remember we talked about Lynda and how Lynda is part of ... ?
Is your sketchbook here?
How is your project 1 so far?
Lets use ASK > LOOK > THINK > MAKE loop.
Make something for LA - NY
We need our sketchbook to start writing.
Thumbnail vs. Sketch vs. Rendering [tips]
What we need in Photoshop for LA-NY:
Type tool
By the end of class, you upload keywords/research and 6 thumbnails 2 sketch on LA-NY.
Due today:
Project 1
Review on LA-NY
Lecture on Type and Typography
SoCal Musical Week | Exercise brief [Here]
WEEK 03 _Sep 07 - Sep 09_______________________________________________
Are you done with LA-NY practice?
What was the most challenging part of the process for you?
Technical aspect? Process? Keeping everything in order?
Upload you final result to the canvas.
We continue by covering a new topic: Type and Typography
Some basics:
Font vs. Typeface
SoCal Musical Week | Exercise brief [Here]
Project 2: Part 1 Kick-off [Here]
READ the entire brief - First 2 pages are related to the first part of project 2.
Due today before class: SoCal Musical Week Exercise
Review the submissions
Project 2 - Part 1 > continue...
Make sure you are writing down those required rules. Later you need to submit them and use them in your design.
Make sure you are following our loop: ASK > LOOK > THINK > MAKE.
Ask your self constantly:
why this element?
why this position?
what this scale?
why this color?
Do everything for some reason. Don't let anything happen by chance.
WEEK 04 _Sep 14 - Sep 16_______________________________________________
Due today:
Your rules in written format.
Your thumbnails ( The more the merrier?)
At least 2 sketches (different concepts, ideas, execution,...)
At least one render (including details on color pallet, typeface choices, compositions, technique,...)
Image making techniques, Photoshop, Illustrator
Text, type and modifications
Due Image modifications:
Image tracing *
Color adjustment
Texture/ Pattern
Type altering
If you don't have time/passion to edit the file, do not use this option.)
Due today:
Project 2, part 1 digital draft (Postponed, draft is due on Sep 21st.)
WEEK 05 _Sep 21 - Sep 23_______________________________________________
Due today:
Project 2, part 1 Final (Postponed, Final is due on Sep 23rd.)
Make sure you are checking your poster comp with me before leaving the class. The poster is due on Thursday.
Working file [Here]
Save your final result as jpg (don't forget artboard) with 150 ppi resolution and upload your file to the canvas by the end of class.
Submit your Windy Santa Clarita by the end of class.
Project 2, part 1 Final due.
Critique? How?
Tips on Poster Design and Image making
Introducing Project 2 - Part 2 - Design Sucks! [Brief]
Pay attention to all due dates in your brief.
Exchange the rules.
WEEK 06 _Sep 28 - Sep 30_______________________________________________
Due Today:
Project 2 - Part 2 - Design Sucks, Sketching and conceptualizing
We are looking forward for the
Your Theme/Subject?
Heading ?
Subhead ?
Other info ?
Due Today:
Project 2 - Part 2 - Design Sucks, Digital draft on screen
We are looking forward for:
Design approach and image making style? digital assets? blending and photo montage?
Type choices?
Execution technique?
Color palette?
Make sure we have a brief discussion about your design before leaving the class.
Read: Creating public ePortfolio on Canvas
WEEK 07 Oct 05 - Oct 07_______________________________________________
Due Today:
Project 2 - Part - Design Sucks, Final version
Setting up your ePortfolio
Share the link [Here]
Project 3: Intro Kick-off [Here]
We use Wikipedia Random article option to choose your client.
Musicians from New York (state)
They band/singer must be active anytime after 1960.
The bands/singers name will be shared. [Here]
Next class due: A dedicated Pinterest page to your Project 3 | Album Release (singer/band)
Name your board as GMD144 | Your name | Project 3 | Album Release | Fall 2021
Make sure your board is public even if your main account is private.
Make sure you are collecting appropriate assets. Pay attention to quality and quantity of your research.
Don't stop at Pinterest, pull images from other sources as well and contribute to Pinterest.
Sketch at least 9 thumbnails and develop 3 sketches on paper. Document them and ready to review/upload.
Your thumbnails and sketches must follow the concept of the album/band/musician.
WEEK 08 Oct 12 - Oct 14_______________________________________________
Due: Pinterest page: GMD144 | Your name | Project 3 | Album Release | Fall 2021
9 Thumbnails, 3 sketches
Suggestion: To create 9 "different idea", do not doodle for all 9 of them at the same time. Give yourself some time to get inspired.
Listen to their music, watch videos (if any), search for their concert photos (if any),...
Try to know them first!
The Album Cover Design - Tips
Key components:
Imagery style
Details (Copy, text, logos,...)
Creating 2 Sections under your project 3 board on Pinterest.
We will categorize our assets into these 2 methodologies.
Feel free to add more stuff or leave some assets outside of both.
There is a good chance not all collected assets be useful,
but we will keep them.
Search for good examples online as much as possible.
For example: Updated list The Greatest Album Covers: 100 Pioneering Sleeve Designs [Here]
For next class 2 sketch (in detail according to the 2 selected methodologies).
We do one-on-one table crit to finalized our path.
WEEK 09 Oct 19 - Oct 21_______________________________________________
Half-tone Print production
Type and Type size
Point vs Inch
Review on latest update for Album release
WEEK 10 Oct 26 - Oct 28_______________________________________________
Update Album Release
Smart objects
How to modify a mock-up
How to create a mock-up
We look at the the template for album and decide for the back of the album.
Discuss what approach you may take for the back of the cover.
Standard Record Template [Here]
Pay attention: We only use Jacket 12" | 3mm Spine for our project 3
5 Mockups to use in Project 3 [Here]
* If you are planing to use your own mock-up, I will assist you to adjust the stage, light, color and perspective of your mock-up.
Due on Thursday :
The cover and back will be due on Tuesday 28th. in the format of mock-up and original design
We will review you final edition one-on-one by below schedule :
4:05 Gregory J. Beck
4:13 Aubree M. Brenner
4:21 Liliana Castaneda
4:29 Kenneth Martin
4:37 Alejandro Grande
4:45 Megan Gravette
4:53 Ana Delmy Pena
5:01 Jericho Perez
5:12 Frank W. Peters
5:20 Jared A. Rodriguez
5:28 Anaya N. Singleton
5:36 Vincent F. Valladares
5:44 Christian E. Ventura
5:52 Tj Watkinson
WEEK 11 Nov 02 - Nov 04 _______________________________________________
Due on Tuesday:
The cover and back will be due on Nov 2nd. in the format of mock-up and original design
You will upload your mock-up and original design (1:1, 300ppi) to the canvas.
Poster: 11x17, 300ppi
Poster will carry extra copy as locations and date.
For example:
Release November 2021, Barnes & Noble
We will use same design in your album cover, but needs to be modified according to the new composition and extra copy.
Keep the hierarchy active. What is the most important "read"?, what is the next? and so on...
Project 3 | Social Media content
Social media design requirements for the Album (UPDATED)
Your Album release campaign ad for: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat.
Must include:
Artist Name/Band
Album Title
Release Date
Label logo (or department logo) - Only on FB1, FB3, IG2, IG3, TW1, TW3, SN1.
Consider the scale and hierarchy of the information for each layout.
Do not try to fill every part of your layout. try to use negative space to create circulation and path for viewer.
For example the size of the label logo should not exceed more than 3% of the entire layout.
Practical online reference [Here]
Cheat sheet Social Media Image Sizes [Here]
Download the template for Album Social Content.[Here]
Pay attention to size and position inside of the template.
Replace the information on the first page (text in red color)
The typeface on first page is ITC Franklin Gothic LT
Export your file as PDF.
We review Poster/Social digital draft on Thursday, Nov 4th. and final version next Tuesday.
WEEK 11, 12 Nov 02 - Nov 11 _______________________________________________
Key-art is done - Flat template is ready for the cover.
We are looking forward to see the poster + additional copy
We use the Social packet as our reference for Facebook, Instagram,Twitter and snapchat.
Working file for InDesign - Covid-19 [Here]
We use Covid-19 file to practice some essential toolbar in InDesign and navigate around our social packet.
WEEK 13 Nov 16 - Nov 18 _______________________________________________
Due today:
Project 3: Poster(JPG, 300ppi, Tabloid) | Social Media package (PDF)
Introducing Project 4 [Here]
Pay attention to all due dates.
This project will be proceed like other projects step by step.
Plan to participate in all phases by submitting your file on time.
Full credit only can be expected if all steps submitted in order.
Share your Pinterest board via Canvas:
GMD144 | Your name | Project 4 | Calendar | Fall 2021
WEEK 14 Nov 23 - Nov 25 _______________________________________________
In-class practice, Flat calendar in InDesign.
Finding assets and examples for your calendar.
WEEK 15 Nov 30 - Dec 02 _______________________________________________
Due Today:
Your flat calendar.
Mood-board on Milanote.
What is your visual approach for your calendar. Color? Imagery? Typography?...
Due Today:
Digital Draft on your calendar.
WEEK 16 Dec 07 - Dec 09 _______________________________________________